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Skema Rangkaian Inverter DC to AC


List of components: Part Total Qty. Description Substitutions C1, C2 68 UF, 25 V Tantalum Capacitor R1, R2 10 Ohm, 5 Watt resistor R3, R4 180 Ohm, 1 Watt resistor D1, D2 Hep 154 Silicon diode Q1, Q2 2N3055 NPN transistors (see "Notes") T1 24V, Center Tapped Transformer (see "Notes") MISC 1 Wire, Case, Receptical (For Output]
q1, q2, and t1 is the size of the pad watt generated, you can use a larger transistor to obtain more resources than most as well as also for transformator. here t1 using 15 ampere, with a series like this generated power 300 watt. to change the output voltage can wind your own coil secondary t1, Exchange twist for a larger voltage. attach the output of the fuse.
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