Page for the advice on this circuit). Where connected aerial ability is required, addition 4 achievement transistors are recommended, active in the aforementioned way as Q9, Q10, Q11 and Q12, and application 0.33 ohm emitter resistors.
Continuous ability into 8 ohms is about over 150W (250W for �70V supplies), and it can be acclimated after added transistors at abounding ability into an 8 ohm amount all day, every day. The added transistors are alone bare if you appetite to do the aforementioned affair into 4 ohms at best accumulation voltage! Do not alike anticipate about application food over �70V, and don�t bother allurement me if it is ok � it isn�t!
The ambit is credible in Figure 1, and it is a analytic accepted design. Connections are provided for the Internal SIM (published abroad on the Project Pages), and clarification is provided for RF aegis (R1, C2). The ascribe is via a 4.7uF bipolar cap, as this provides lots of capacitance in a baby size. Because of the impedance, little or no abasement of complete will be apparent. A polyester cap may be acclimated if you adopt � 1uF with the nominal 22k ascribe impedance will accord a -3dB abundance of 7.2Hz, which is absolutely low abundant for any sub.
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